f Legislative Council
• ...Legislative Council Friday 4 December
2020 Legislative Council Friday 4 December
2020 PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL REPORT OF DEBATES Friday 4 December 2020 REVISED EDITION Friday 4 December 2020 1 Friday 4 December 2020 The President, Mr Farrell , took the Chair at 9.30 a.m., acknowledged the Traditional People and read Prayers. TABLED PAPERS Estimates Committee B - Reports, Minutes and Transcripts Ms SIEJKA (Pembroke) - Mr President, I have the honour to present the reports of Estimates Committee B on the Estimates of the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management; Minister for Local Government; Minister for Sport and Recreation; Minister for Racing; Attorney-General; Minister for Justice; Minister for Corrections; Minister for Building and Construction; Minister for Heritage; Minister for the Arts; Minister for Primary Industries and Water; Minister for Resources; Minister for Energy; Minister for Veterans Affairs; Minister for Education and Training; Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing; Minister for Disability Services and Community Development; and Minister for Advanced Manufacturing and Defence Industries. I also table the minutes of proceedings and other additional information received by the committee, together with the transcripts of evidence. Mr President, I move - That the reports be received. Motion agreed to. APPROPRIATION BILL (No. 1) 2020 (No. 46) APPROPRIATION BILL (No. 2) 2020 (No. 47) First Reading Bills received from the House of Assembly and read the first time. ADJOURNMENT Ms
Prosser - Deputy Leader of Government Business in the Legislative Council) - Mr President, I move - That the Council at its rising do adjourn until 11a.m. on Tuesday 8 December 2020 Motion agreed to. The Council adjourned at 9.37 a.m. ...